tri merle xl bully puppies for sale near me indiana


Breeding completed July 14, 2024. Puppies would be due around mid September 2024.  Contact us for inquires.

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1ST PICK: Available
2ND PICK: Available
3RD PICK: Available


1ST PICK: Available
2ND PICK: Available
3RD PICK: Available

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Bossy’s Jumanji | Kingdom’s Fancy

This breeding will take place around August of 2024. Contact us for inquires.

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1ST PICK: Available
2ND PICK: Available
3RD PICK: Available


1ST PICK: Available
2ND PICK: Available
3RD PICK: Available

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Kylie

    Hey I’m a big fan I was talking my dad into getting a puppy but we can’t yet😢😢

    1. KBK

      Thank you for the love. Maybe when the time is right, your father will get you an XL Bully puppy. All pets are a big responsibility.

  2. armando maciel

    Hey interested in one of your pups for us ours past away 2 weeks ago. Not really a 1st pic kind of guy just want a nice looking dog. I don’t care if it’s the last pick lol it will be spoiled rotten dog like my last living in a house not outside

    1. KBK

      Hi Armando,
      Real sorry to hear about dog. Give me a call or a text and we can see which one of our Bully puppies or upcoming litters would work for you. (812) 870-3535 (Brian).

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