BBUK Johnny Bones | U1B Elita

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Born 11/20/2024
Two (2) males, six (6) females in this litter

Ticked black tri, ticked lilac tri, ticked blue fawn, lilac fawn, ticked champagne, and ticked chocolate tri Bully puppies in this litter!

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Deposits are $1k. Occasionally, we will sell pet-only puppies for some puppies/pick spots depending on the quality of the pup and/or litter. When doing so, discounts are available for pet homes (no breeding or showing). Reach out to use if you are looking for a pet only.
Financing available through Sweet Pay!

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BKB Bodacious is an XXL Bully pitbull puppy for sale and the son of Bossy's Congo!
KBK's Bodacious | $4K

This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. Kevin Mitchell

    I had planned on reaching out to you guys around October my spending limit is 3k

    1. KBK

      Thank you Kevin for your interest please text my phone if you are interested in one of our XL Bully puppies 812-870-3535

    2. KBK

      We have Prince available within your budget. Give me a call or text at (812) 870-3535. Brian.

    3. Kayla

      How much are the puppies

  2. Javier long

    I’m interested in a female but I’d like to work a deal

    1. KBK

      Hi Javier,
      Please call or text me to discuss. (812)870-3535 – Brian.

  3. Bernard Timothy Youpee

    I was just wondering what was the amount of one of your guys pups I would rèally like to see if I can get one but I would have to talk to some of these ones that run this group home in GreatFalls my its called new dereçtions they helpede get in this place after I was through with some of my stuff at a place called blue thunder Lodge here in GreatFalls now now here at the place I’m in seem to help most of us with our isolation issues I know that it would help out a lot with what I been going through with feeling lost or really not in the here and now with out my wife ànd mom they both left to the other side of life 4 months apart I never did think I would be I a sitchuation like this 8 been in treatment for a year and half now I know taking care of one of your guys little pups or even two of them would really help keep me out of that still moment that seem to get to me through out the day but any way can you guys email me back when ever you guys get a chance

    1. KBK

      Hi Bernard,
      Our prices vary depending on the breeding (the parents), the gender, and the pick spot. Please call or text me to discuss prices on our upcoming puppies. (812)870-3535 – Brian.

  4. fifi

    I’ll stay on this website as none others are selling XL bully’s!

    1. KBK

      We appreciate you and your love for our XL Bullies!

  5. Dalayza

    I really want a XL American bullie but my mom said I can’t

    1. KBK

      XL Bullies are an amazing breed, and it is easy to fall in love with them!

  6. Cody

    Can do Hawaii?

    1. KBK

      Hi Cody,
      We can ship our Bully puppies anywhere the American Bully (or “Pitbull”) breed is not banned. Please text me to discuss. (812)870-3535.


  7. Shelly

    ve to ohello, I would absolutely love to own one of your pups except I could never afford an $8000 price tag. I dont want one to breed or show, I simply want one to love, provide a safe loving home to, I know the bully breeds are extremely loyal & affectionate dogs. If you ever have a puppy you dont consider ” perfect” in the breeding world and think you cant get the high dollar amount your asking for these beautiful babies PLEASE keep me in mind as all I wanna do is love it
    Thank you for your timewn

  8. Shellyshelly

    By the way I’m a retired, full time stay at home pet mom with nothing but time & love to devote to any special puppy

    1. KBK

      Good morning Shelly,
      The easiest way to get ahold of me is to call or text me at (812) 870-3535. We do have a couple more litters coming, which may be more in your budget. Keep in mind, we do also offer payment plans through Sweet Pay. Hope to talk soon! Brian.

  9. Brady

    Really looking for American bully for Christmas want a puppy to add to the family

    1. KBK

      Good morning Brady,
      Please give me a call or shoot me a text at (812) 870-3535. Hope to hear from you soon! Brian.

  10. Ava

    I would love to get one of your puppies

    1. KBK

      Hi Ava,
      Please shoot me an email at or call/text me at (812) 870-3535. Elita and Bones are due to have their litter around the 20th (just a couple of more days). Hope to hear from you soon! Brian.

  11. Chris

    Do you have plans for a red Buster pup litter bred for family life in 2025? If so when do you think that will happen?

  12. Ryder

    How much for holly jolly

  13. Mikhaeil

    How much does a female snowman cost?

  14. Jason bouchard

    I just recently lost my dog cookie. And i’m looking to get a replacement dog.I’m interested in colorado.

  15. Jordan

    Will Indie be having any litters soon

    1. KBK

      She lives with another family now. Are you looking for a pup? We have a litter now and a breeding coming up.

  16. Aliyah Rivera

    Hello I’m interested in a male my last bully just passed away

  17. Kristen

    My name is Kriaten. I’m looking to adopt a puppy, but I’m on a limited income. (I just won my disability case. This puppy would be a pet (NO BREEDING OR SHOWING), an emotional support dog, and hopefully a service dog. I have a few questions though. 1st…would you work with me on the price? 2nd, would he or she be trained before coming to me? 3rd, would you deliver to Buffalo, NY?

  18. Chris

    I have 2500 do you have anything in that range

    1. KBK

      Not at the moment. We only have a first pick male off Bones & Elita available for $5k. We aren’t in a hurry to place him; we are keeping him if he is not placed at $5k.

      We have a Bones & La Reine breeding coming up. There’s a lot that show interest in that one.

      You can also try for payment plans via Sweet Pay.

  19. Kinley

    I’ve been looking for a while for an XL bully. I’m interested in purchasing a puppy. Hopefully pricing isn’t outrageous.

      1. Kinley

        Can I see a pic of the male?

      2. Kinley

        When will bones and la reine puppies be available?

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